芝浦工業大学学生限定 無料インフルエンザ予防接種のお知らせ
大宮キャンパス 5号館第1・第2会議室
豊洲キャンパス 交流棟6階ホワイエ
※予診票はこちらからダウンロードしてください。 https://shibaura3.sharepoint.com/:f:/t/AandSRSection-tm/Eipm4Xsp3k9Nom5HoLUSe9YBpIw0mRpzelo8C50KUjaoww?e=6GILHU
お問合せ先:校友・後援会連携課(後援会事務局) koenkai@ow.shibaura-it.ac.jp
SIT Support Association which is organized by students’ parents will give all students FREE flu shots in October ,November and December.Please get a flu shot to protect you from coming down with the influenza viruses.Students will need to choose a day and time from the following dates and make a reservation.
1.Please make a reservation using the form below. Reservations will open on Friday, September 20 at 9 a.m. The reservation deadline is Monday, October 7.Please note that only one day is available for an appointment.
Omiya Campus Application Form(10/21・11/28) https://surl.jp/aEcSckfq
Toyosu Campus Application Form(10/23・12/3)https://surl.jp/kaCbVpZP
Come at the date and time you entered in the reservation form. Please save the auto-reply e-mail when making a reservation.
If you need to cancel, please click here. https://surl.jp/ZBJvSiVE
2.The day of the event, please present your “student ID card” and the following “Influenza Vaccination-Medical History” at the reception desk. Please download the Influenza Vaccination-Medical History sheet here.https://shibaura3.sharepoint.com/:f:/t/AandSRSection-tm/Eipm4Xsp3k9Nom5HoLUSe9YBpIw0mRpzelo8C50KUjaoww?e=Yk7PFN
3.Please read the “About Influenza Vaccination” on the second page of the Influenza Vaccination-Medical History sheet carefully before applying for the vaccination.
4.No notice is required for cancellations due to sudden illness or other reasons.
★Vaccination schedule
Omiya Campus Bldg. 5, Conference Room No.1, No.2
1.Monday, October 21, 9:00 – 11:30 /13:00~15:30
2.Thursday, November 28, 9:00 – 11:30 /13:00~15:30
Toyosu Campus Foyer on the 6th floor of the Exchange Building
1.Wednesday,October 23, 9:00 – 11:30 /13:00~15:30
2.Tuesday ,December 3, 9:00 – 11:30 /13:00~15:30
Please remind that numbers of flu vaccines are limited. We may close appointments earlier than scheduled.
This year, we will not pay for those who are vaccinated hospitals outside of the university.
Take this opportunity to get vaccinated!
If you need assistance, please email us at koenkai@ow.shibaura-it.ac.jp
Thank you.